Tag Archives: travelling to cayman islands

5 Things To Know Before You Visit The Cayman Islands

Your visit to the Cayman Islands is sure to be a magical one, but there are some things you can do to make sure it’s as flawless as possible. Our islands are laid-back yet posh, filled with pubs and dotted with charming theatres. To enjoy it all to the fullest, prepare yourself for a Cayman experience by noting these 5 things to know:


  1. Go Mostly Casual with Clothing


The Cayman Islands call for mostly casual attire and lots of beachwear. Think of shorts, tank tops, sundresses, bathing suits, and flip-flops. The temperature on the islands is quite balmy year-round, so you’re not usually going to need traditional winter clothing. During July, it’s typically around 100F/37C and January often sees weather that’s a still-warm 70F/21C.


Even though you’ll probably be at the pool or on the sand for the majority of your trip, you may still want to step out to a nice dinner or see a theatrical production. For those evenings, make sure you have some special dress shoes and clothes to look and feel good in.


  1. U.S. Visitors Shouldn’t Need to Buy New Power Plugs


The Cayman Islands are a British Colony and people drive on the left here, but we coordinate with the United States when it comes to power plugs. If you’re from the U.S., you can bring your power units from home to charge your laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Travelers with other types of power plugs are wise to bring a multi-board converter plug that can charge all necessary gadgets.


  1. The Cayman Islands Uses Two Currencies


We use 2 currencies interchangeably in the Cayman Islands: CI (Cayman Island dollars) and U.S. dollars. You’ll find that the CI dollar is roughly 20% higher than the U.S. dollar, and you’ll see that our ATMs dispense money in both currencies.


  1. Tipping is Expected


Tipping is standard practice in the Cayman Islands. In fact, many waiters and waitresses automatically add 15 to 18 percent of the cost of your food to your check. Make sure you check your bill before you pay to see if you should add a tip.


  1. There’s More to Do than Visit Beaches


There’s no shortage of beaches on the Cayman Islands. From iconic Seven Mile Beach and its glistening white sand to Stingray City, a sandbar in the middle of a beautiful bay, you’re going to have plenty of places to enjoy the sun and to swim. However, our islands are much more than beaches.


We love hosting visitors at our restaurants and bars. Many pubs and dining establishments feature live music, another love of the people of the Cayman Islands. Bring your dancing shoes for a night of salsa and settle into a quaint seaside lounge for cocktails with the sunset as a backdrop.


The Cayman Islands features festivals throughout the year, such as Carnival Batabano and the Little Cayman Mardi Gras. We protect wildlife on our islands and we’re always excited to share information on native island species like turtles that live in The Cayman Turtle Farm, a conservation and research center.


These 5 tips only brush the surface of what you’ll find on Grand Cayman and its neighboring islands. For other tips on visiting the Cayman Islands, feel free to reach out to our staff.


  • by:
  • October 10th, 2018